Life in Chapters · Uncategorized

Stories & their Hues!

Those new beginnings

Those nothing kinda feelings

Those tender drench of emotions

Those weaves of silly appealing notions

Fresh chapter of autumn blessings with love potions

Those bites that were planted

on my back without being asked for

Have started to grow into little creepers

Beautiful with tiny flowers at times I so adore

Those neat & crisp sheets

can always be embedded with

stories of my life in its true essence

Winter Spring Summer & Autumn hues

bled out with lil twists from dusk till dawn

Life in Chapters · Uncategorized

A firm love seed!

All that I bleed

is definitely not

all what I need

Few tethered knots

to be left untied

few unbroken

pots to be decreed

My wants were

never my greed

I still know I can

always humbly

cook up a worthy feed

which does not require

a threaten a cajole or a plead

With the me planted

firmly as a love seed

All it takes is for my

heart to take the lead

Life in Chapters · Uncategorized

It was Just Yesterday!

It felt like it was all just yesterday!

When they met for the first time

& found no place to sit

Once they sat, found no scope to

calm the crave for that tinge

that happens with a sudden rub of the skin

When they feared their eyes would meet

making them both weak in their knee

depriving them from a hopeful tomorrow

where those grains of intimacy

would brew up their very own story

A story they would be a part of

When the world would only be a witness to